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External modules

External modules

One of the major new features coming out with this version 3.0 is the possibility to integrate third-party middleware classes and functions into the OAS Tools middleware chain. The OAS Tools' team has already developed a couple of modules that add useful functionalities to the system:

  • OAS Auth: An authentication module that provides security handlers and middleware to validate and assign role-based permission levels based on JSON Web Token.
  • SLA Rate Limit: A Module capable of reading SLA4OAI specification and limit the requests to the service based on what has been specified in a service-level agreement (SLA).

Installing modules

External middleware can be installed through the use() function provided by the OAS Tools core library. The use() function takes three arguments:

  • Middleware (Required): The imported middleware class or function that is being integrated into the chain.
  • Configuration (optional): An object containing the configuration for the middleware that is being integrated.
  • Priotity (optional): The position of the middleware chain in which it will be inserted. By default external modules are inserted in the third position, right after the request validation middleware.

Take into account that if two middleware are being inserted at the same position, they will be inserted in the same order in which the use() function is called. That means if two middleware are being inserted at position 0, the first one will end up in position 1 and the second one in position 0.

The following example shows how the OAS Auth middleware is integrated. It is being registered in the second position of the middleware chain.

import { OASBearerJWT } from 'oas-auth/middleware';

const authCfg= {acl: { secSchemeName:'route/to/permissions.json' }}

oasTools.use(OASBearerJWT, authCfg, 2);
oasTools.initialize(app).then(() => ...)

Developing modules

Creating new OAS Tools' compatible middleware is as easy as declaring a function or a clase and start using it. That is because the use() function accepts middleware functions directly, as well as wrapping classes. The following two sections describe this casuistry.

Basic modules

In case you want to create a basic middleware for OAS Tools, there is no need to declare a new class. OAS Tools directly accepts function types in the use function. This is perfect when your function doesn't require configuration or a previous initialization operation:

function myCustomMiddleware (req, res, next) {
    /* Do something */



It is a good practise to declare a function with its name instead of directly declare an unnamed function inside use(). This is because the server will log the registered middlewares, and therefore, if your function is unnamed it will print 'undefined'.

Complex modules

In case your module requires additional configuration, an initialization process or a complex registration, you will need to declare a class. To make that task easier, the Commons library provides a class, OASBase, which already has the definition for basic functions like registering the middleware.

When declaring your middleware as a class, you will need to extend OASBase and declare a static function initialize that receives the module configuration and the OpenAPI document in its arguments, and returns an instance of the class.

You can easily initialize a new module through the command line interface by running oas-tools init module. Check out the CLI section

const { OASBase } = require("@oas-tools/commons");

module.exports.MyMiddleware extends OASBase {
    constructor(oasFile, middleware) {
        super(oasFile, middleware); // Call parent constructor

    static initialize(oasFile, config) {
        /* The code here will run during OAS Tools initialization */
        return new MyMiddleware(oasFile, (req, res, next) => {
            /* The code here will run for every request */

In case you need to perform a more complex registration, you may override the register() function, like shown below:

const { OASBase } = require("@oas-tools/commons");

module.exports.MyMiddleware extends OASBase {

    /* Overridden */
    register(app) {
      /* Do something */

Special case: Interceptors

As explained in the Validation section, there is a special type of middleware that is capable of intercept responses and perform operations before they are sent to the client. We have called that type of middleware interceptors and they are created by overriding the default res.send() operation.

When integrating more than one interceptor into the OAS Tools chain, you have to be aware that the order in which they will be executed is inverse to the order in which they are registered. The following flowchart describes this situation:

As shown in the graph, the first registered interceptor is Interceptor1, but the send1 function produced by it is executed after the function produced by Interceptor2, since the controllers will call res.send(), which is overriden by send2 function.