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The errors thrown by validator middleware explained in the Request Validation and Response Validation sections in this page are handled by the built-in error handler and therefore the status code that the server sets for the responses when validation is strict depends on it being enabled.

OpenAPI file validation

OAS Tools is capable to validate an OpenAPI document thanks through the Commons library. OAS Tools' commons integrates AJV JSON Schema validator, wrapped in two functions that validates the whole document or a part of it.

Being the validator integrated in Commons, it is reusable and can be called from different middlewares and tools, such as the CLI or the request and response validator middlewares.

OAS Tools perform a validation of the complete OpenAPI document upon initialization in order to avoid errors caused by the document not being valid towards the correspondent version of the OpenAPI schema. In case the file is not valid, AJV validations error are pretty printed through the built-in logger.

This would be the output when missing the required property 'title' inside info:

2022-08-13 12:08:74 [oas-tools] ERROR: ValidationError: Specification file does not meet OpenAPI 3.0.0 schema.
- Validation failed at /info > must have required property 'title'

Request validation

The request validation is a middleware function that relies on the common's library validation functions to check specific parts of the OpenAPI document, more precissely, it checks parameters andrequest body against OpenAPI schema declaration.


The parameters are validated for each request depending on what has been specified for that operation:

      - name: id
        in: path
        required: true
          type: integer

In the snippet above we have defined a GET request that gets one required parameter named id. If we made a GET request to {server-url}/endpoint we would get a warning on console (or an error message if strict validation has been toggled on in configuration) telling that there has been a validation error due to the parameter id being required. The same would happen if we specified a non-integer id, since it is specified to be such type.

Strict validation causes the server to respond 400 Bad Request when request validation fails.

2022-08-13 12:08:64 [oas-tools] WARN: Parameter id does not match the schema specified in the OAS Document:
- Validation failed at #/type > must be integer

Request body

Similarly to how parameters validatio works, the request body is validated through the commons library validation functions.

    description: Body of the request
    required: true
            type: object

In this case, we are defining a post request whith a required content body in which an object must be included formatted as JSON. If we made a POST request without including the body or including non-object content, then the server would print a warning on console or in case strict validation is active, respond with 400 Bad Request.

Response validation

The response validation middleware is a special function capable of intercepting responses, validate them and then sending them to the client. Even if this function has performs validation after res.send() is executed, it must be registered in the middleware chain before res.send() is called, that is why it is registered before the router middleware (check out the diagram in the routing section):

Intercepting responses

As explained above, the response validator is registered before the router middleware that calls res.sen() through controllers. However, this middleware is an interceptor, meaning it must read the responses sent to client, validate the content and send a new response to the client (or the same if it is valid).

In order for this middleware to intercept responses, the res.send() function is overriden in a way that the validations are performed in the first place, and then the original send function is called:

const oldSend = res.send;
res.send = (response) => {   
    /* response validation */, newResponse);

Validating content

In case of the response content, not only it is necessary to validate the content itself against the schema, but also check that the content-type matches the Accept header set in requests.

The response content is validated just like the request body before. Its declaration must exist under the responses field of each operation specified in the OpenAPI document. Then the middleware will check the data against the schema before it is sent to the client, and print a warning or error message (when strict is active) in case the content is not valid.

If strict is active and the server throws a response validation error due to invalid content, it will respond with a 500 Internal server error since the responses are set in the server controllers and therefore, it is a server error.

The middleware will also check the response content-type MIMEType against the Accept header set in request, that way if the response content-type is not accepted and validation is set to strict, the server will respond with 406 Not Accepted, else it will print a warn message. In case no Accept header is provided in the request, then the server will assume */* as any content type is valid as a response for that request.

If no content-type is set for response, OAS Tools will assume it is application/json;charset=utf-8.