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Business logic

Business logic layer

The business logic layer in OAS Tools is implemented through controllers that are loaded by the router middleware upon initialization. The routing section describes how controllers are loaded and how it can be altered to redirect to other controllers. By default, each path declared in the OpenAPI document will have a controller to handle its requests.


The controllers are functions that receive the request and response objects from express in order to perform an operation and return a result through res.send() or res.status().send().

When writing a controller you should take into account the name of the exported function (more details in the routing section) and the operation that will be performed.

  • GET operations typically receive some parameters. Since controllers receive req and res objects from express, you can access parsed parameters from res.locals.oas.params or in case you want to wark with the raw types received by express you can use req.params instead.

  • POST and PUT operations receive a request body. Just like with paramaters, the body is accesible from res.locals.oas.body or req.body.

  • Some request may include multipart content. This content will be available at res.locals.oas.files or as long as a multipart bodyparser is included in the middleware chain.

OAS Tools is content agnostic, meaning it could receive JSON or XML in request body as long as a body parser middleware is included in the first position of the middleware chain. Check out the advanced project setup for more information about possible integrations with other technologies.

// UserController.js

module.exports.postUser = function post(req, res) {
  const params = res.locals.oas?.params;
  const body = res.locals.oas?.body;
  const files = res.locals.oas?.files;

  /* Perform some operation, like saving to a database */
