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Handling errors

Error handling

OAS Tools internally uses custom error classes that are defined in the Commons library. Additionally, the framework has a built-in error handler that is active by default (middleware.error.disable is set to ´false´ in configuration).

Built-in handler

The built-in handler catches the errors produced during the execution flow along the middleware chain and produces a response based on the type of error that has been thrown. The folloing table contanis the description and the response produced by the handler for each error.

ErrorDescriptionHandler response
RequestValidationErrorError thrown when the response content or content-type is invalid500 Internal Server Error or 406 Not Accepted
SecurityErrorError thrown when missing required credentials401 Unauthorized
AuthErrorError thrown when request credentials are invalid or lack privileges403 Forbidden

Other classes, like ConfigError, UnsupportedError and RoutingError are not handled by the built-in middleware since they are thrown upon initialization and not during the request process.

Extending the handler

As mentioned in the Configuration section, the built-in error handler may be extended by providing a custom function for handling new errors. That function is set in configuration and is executed right after the built-in handler.

// oastools.config.js

module.exports = {
  middleware: {
    error: {
      customHandler: (err, send) => {
        if ( === "JsonWebTokenError") send(403);

The custom handler function must take two arguments: the error and a send function. The example above shows how to handle an error thrown by JWT Node.js library. The send function takes one mandatory argument, which is the status code of the response, and optionally can take the response body that will be sent to client.

By default, the errors are sent to client as an object following the following format {error: "<error name>: <error message>" } but it can be overridden setting the second parameter in the send function received in the handler arguments.

Errors are printed to console using the configured logger, if you want to use a custom logger check the custom logger section.